Benefit Changes
Outside of open enrollment periods, as a Saint Louis University employee, you may also be able to enroll yourself or your dependents if a qualifying event happens in your life. Work status changes will also impact your 博彩网址大全 benefits coverage.
Qualifying Life Event
Qualifying life events consist of both family changes and employment changes. Outside of open enrollment periods, you may be able to make benefit-election changes if a qualifying life event occurs. This is known as a special enrollment period. Requests must be completed within 31 days of the qualifying event and will require supporting documentation. If you do not enroll or complete changes within 31 days of the qualifying event, you will need to wait until the next open enrollment period.
All life events are to be completed in Workday. See the respective job aid in the “Job Aid & Video Library” for further instructions. Do not delay the submission of the event due to pending supporting documentation. Notify immediately if you foresee any documentation issues with the 31-day deadline.
The 2024 Open Enrollment Guide (PDF) and the 2025 Open Enrollment Guide (PDF) provide additional plan information. If you need assistance selecting a plan, you can utilize ALEX®. It is your personal virtual benefits counselor/assistant to help you select the best medical plan for you and your family.
The events in the drop-down menu below are examples that may allow you to change your benefits during the calendar year.
Changes must be made within 31 days of a child's birth or adoption date.
Take action:
- Add the dependent request in Workday. Go to Workday > Benefits > (Change) Dependents. See the Add Dependent Job Aid for further instructions. See the eligibility and documentation requirements.
- Apply for adoption assistance, if applicable.
Additional items to consider:
- Review tax withholding status. Go to Workday > Pay > (Actions) Withholding Elections.
- Review your beneficiary information in Workday and 博彩网址大全’s 403(b) and Retirement Plan (TIAA).
If you do not take action:
- If you do not make a change within 31 days of the birth or adoption, your benefits will stay the same and your new dependent will not have coverage. Your next opportunity to make changes will be during annual enrollment unless you have another qualified life event (e.g., birth, adoption, marriage, etc.).
Changes to your benefits elections must be made within 31 days of the marriage.
Take action:
- Add the dependent request in Workday. Go to Workday > Benefits > (Change) Dependents. See the Add Dependent Job Aid for further instructions. See the eligibility and documentation requirements.
- Update your marital status in Workday under Personal Information.
Additional items to consider:
- Review tax-withholding status. Go to Workday > Pay > (Actions) Withholding Elections.
- Change your name in Workday under Personal Information.
- Review your beneficiary information in Workday and 博彩网址大全’s 403(b) and Retirement Plan (TIAA).
If you do not take action:
- If you do not make a change within 31 days of the marriage, your benefits will stay the same and your new dependent will not have coverage. Your next opportunity to make changes will be during annual enrollment unless you have another qualified life event (e.g., birth, adoption, marriage, etc.).
Changes to your benefits elections must be made within 31 days of the divorce or legal separation.
Take action:
- Edit the dependent in Workday. Go to Workday > Benefits > (Change) Dependents. Update your relationship of Spouse to Ex-Spouse in the task. The required documentation is the first and last page of the divorce decree or legal separation agreement. Be sure to use the same effective date on the divorce decree.
- Update your marital status in Workday under Personal Information.
Additional items to consider:
- Review tax-withholding status. Go to Workday > Pay > (Actions) Withholding Elections.
- Change your name in Workday under Personal Information.
- Review your beneficiary information in Workday as well as 博彩网址大全’s 403(b) and Retirement Plan (TIAA).
If you do not take action:
- If you do not make a change within 31 days of the divorce, your benefits will stay the same and your dependent will remain on your coverage. Your next opportunity to make changes will be during annual enrollment unless you have another qualified life event (e.g., birth, adoption, marriage, etc.).
- You will be in violation of the medical plan affidavit that you filed with the university.
Changes to your benefits elections must be made within 31 days of you or your dependent gaining coverage elsewhere.
Take Action:
- Request the event in Workday. Go to Workday > Benefits > (Change) Benefits > (Change Reason) Employee/Dependent Gains Coverage Elsewhere. Be sure to use the effective date you or your dependent gains coverage elsewhere unless it is the first day of the month. If you or your dependent gains coverage elsewhere on the first day of the month (i.e. 7/1), please use an effective date of the previous day (i.e. 6/30) so there is no overlap in coverage. The required documentation is a document from the new insurance vendor stating the effective date for the new coverage and the respective dependents.
If you do not take action:
- If you do not make a change within 31 days of the dependent gaining coverage elsewhere, your benefits will stay the same, and the dependent will remain on your coverage. Your next opportunity to make changes will be during annual enrollment unless you have another qualified life event (e.g., birth, adoption, marriage, etc.).
- If your spouse gained coverage elsewhere, you will be in violation of the medical plan affidavit that you filed with the university.
Changes to your benefits elections must be made within 31 days of you or your dependent losing coverage elsewhere.
Take action:
- Add the dependent in Workday if they are not already a verified dependent. Go to Workday > Benefits > (Change) Dependents. See the Add Dependent Job Aid for further instructions. See the eligibility and documentation requirements. Be sure to use the effective reason, “Add Dependent > Other”.
- Once the dependent is on file in Workday, request the event in Workday. Go to Workday > Benefits > (Change) Benefits > (Change Reason) Employee/Dependent Loses Coverage Elsewhere. Be sure to use the effective date you or your dependent loses coverage elsewhere unless it is the last day of the month. If you or your dependent loses coverage elsewhere on the last day of the month (i.e. 7/31), please use an effective date of the following day (i.e. 8/1) so there is no overlap in coverage. The required documentation is a document from the previous insurance vendor stating the effective end date for the prior coverage and the respective dependents.
If you do not take action:
- If you do not make a change within 31 days of the dependent losing coverage elsewhere, your benefits will stay the same, and the dependent will not have coverage. Your next opportunity to make changes will be during annual enrollment unless you have another qualified life event (e.g., birth, adoption, marriage, etc.).
Work Status Changes
Work status changes are changes to employment status that impact your benefits. The events in the drop-down menu below exemplify the most common events.
As a new, benefits-eligible faculty or staff member, one of your first tasks is to enroll in your benefit options. Elections must be completed within 31 days of your benefits eligibility date.
Take Action:
- Complete your Skillsoft training.
- If you are enrolling in medical coverage, review the 2024 Open Enrollment Guide or the 2025 Open Enrollment Guide and utilize the ALEX® tool to help select the best medical plan for you and your family.
- If you are enrolling a spouse and/or dependent child(ren) on your coverage, see the Add Dependent Job Aid and the eligibility and documentation requirements.
- Complete the "Change Benefit for Life Event" task in your Workday inbox. See the job aid if you need assistance completing this task.
- Review your beneficiary information in Workday (during benefits enrollment) as well as 博彩网址大全’s 403(b) and Retirement Plan (TIAA). Note: You will not have access to TIAA or any other benefit vendor until it is submitted and approved in Workday.
- Complete the biometric screening requirement to earn the medical premium discount. See more info on the Employee Well-Being page.
If you do not take action:
- If you do not make benefits elections in Workday within 31 of your hire, you will be enrolled in the employer benefits only. Your next opportunity to make changes will be during annual enrollment unless you have another qualified life event (e.g., birth, adoption, marriage, etc.).
Saint Louis University defines retirement at the age of 55 with 10 or more years of continuous, full-time service or the age of 60 with 7 or more years of continuous, full-time service to the University. As a retiree, you may elect insurance coverage as long as you pay the required premiums. If you are under 65, you may elect to participate in the pre-65 medical plan or COBRA. If you are over the age of 65 you may elect to participate in the Medicare Advantage plan through UHC or COBRA. You also retain full access to the tuition remission benefits for yourself and your dependent children and a complimentary one-year membership to Simon Recreation Center.
Take Action:
- Make Medicare considerations. If you are 65 or over, you must explore your Medicare options within 60-90 days before you retire from Saint Louis University. We recommend you contact Medicare directly at to research Medicare options and to apply for coverage. We have also partnered with Select Quote Senior to provide advice and guidance on selecting Medicare supplemental health coverage. They may be reached at 866-569-9110. See the Frequently Asked Questions (PDF) about Medicare for more information.
- Notify your supervisor. Monthly paid employees should give four weeks' notice and bi-weekly paid employees should give two weeks' notice. Be sure you or your business manager submits the separation request in Workday.
- Review the summaries of benefits
- Return your Saint Louis University key(s), pager, ID badge, and any other Saint Louis University property to your departmental administrator on your last day of work.
- If your address changes after your termination, notify HR at or log in to Workday to access and edit your personal information. If you no longer have access to your 博彩网址大全net ID and password, contact IT for a password reset at 314-977-4000 or use the password reset option.
Take Action:
- Notify your supervisor. Employees paid monthly should give four weeks' notice and employees paid bi-weekly should give two weeks' notice.
- Be sure you or your business manager submit the termination request in Workday. After your termination date, you will receive a COBRA packet explaining your COBRA rights from Optum Financial.
- Review the Summary of Benefits upon Separation (PDF).
- Review the Employee Offboarding Checklist (PDF).
University keys, I.D. card, parking permit, uniforms, pagers, laptop computers, or other university property must be turned in by your last day of work. Additionally, departing employees must share logins and passwords for University social media accounts, website content management system access and any other important systems to which they have access before leaving employment.
- If your address changes after your termination, notify HR at or log in to Workday to access and edit your personal information. If you no longer have access to your 博彩网址大全net ID and password, contact IT for a password reset at 314-977-4000 or use the password reset option.
If you are the surviving spouse or dependent of an active Saint Louis University employee, you should notify the benefits office in Human Resources at 314-977-2595.
A letter will be sent to applicable parties regarding the benefits that may be available.